
  • Author Peco

    Inconspicuous swinger

    This bike interest no layman at first glance. Truth is, that this is very unusual bike, if you give it a chance to know better: it’s witty, adventurous, passionate, loving, faithful (like any bike which has a soul). But this one is a little crazy and wicked also. Isn’t this what we just love on bikes? This quasi reference to dialogue from the Trainspotting movie could explain the origin and composition of the machine. This bike came to our hands from Bernolakovo. Frame is Swiss, or from some Italian part of Switzerland, because of the Italian threads (reverse than normal, so it’s almost impossible to obtain them - Crazy Italians J). Customer wanted to rebuild

    Customisations Renovation
  • Author Peco

    Children of the shoemaker

    According on old Slovak saying “Shoemakers children walk barefoot“ can’t be applied on Pecobikes. And to prove it, we present you our secret weapons. Built with great attention on quality, precision and accuracy. To prevent people from comparing us to those shoemakers. First is Ondros green Fixed-gear. Custom rebuilt frame (original Favorit) from Pecobikes, specifically hand-made by Rado and his skillful hands. Fitted with brutal race 52 teeth crank saw, Gipiemme wheels and handlebars, Demolition

    Behind the scenes Customisations Our projects Renovation
  • Author Peco

    DJ Super de luxe

    Hello hello! Long time no response - it's summer. And summer here in Pecobikes means dirty fingers (and sometimes up to elbows) stuck in the cycling since the morning! :-) Thus, we don’t want to have dirty keyboard... (lame excuse) But to the point! You know that we are doing extraordinary bikes, and this blogpost is another proof. This time it was a DIY collaboration with DJ Stereodisco. Boys are not only about nifty fingers on turntables and other electronic toys, but they can make some sweet bikes. (see below album) For those who are interested in the technical matters. Used tires are well-known Schwalbe with white side. (after a long time back in stock!) Rims Kenzo,

  • Author Peco

    Špeciálna mamina

    V prvom rade chceme popriať všetkým našim maminám k ich sviatku za všetkú tú trpezlivosť s nami cyklistami. A samozrejme, že má tento príspevok aj hlbší súvis s týmto sviatkom. Chceme Vám predstaviť jednu neobyčajnú maminu. Mamina, ktorá vo svojom "voľnom" čase popri staraní sa o deti zvláda skladať bicykle. A to veru nie hocijaké! Napísala nám toto: "Pred Vianocami som sa rozhodla, že zrenovujem starý manželov favorit. Bol v značnom štádiu rozkladu a keďže som ho zachránila pred likvidáciou pri upratovaní, bolo na čase dať mu druhú šancu. A tak to vlastne začalo… manžel tento pokus odobril a ja som začala hľadať inšpiráciu.

    Behind the scenes Customisations
  • Author Peco

    Bike Porn

    We already had big, small, old, new bikes and many other types... This bicycle belongs to special category. For those who really love bikes, this is Bike Porn :) Do not find anything negative  in that expression! It only means, that it excites us in a good, very good way, indeed. I won’t write a lot, so you can scroll down to gallery. In a nutshell. Frame is handmade by Pecobikes from high quality thin-walled steel tubes Manesmann. Color red RAL 3020, fork and cranks BLB, high quality and solid wheels from Gipiemme, chain and tires are from Schwalbe. Everything is available on our e-shop. Fitted with luxury elements, such as vintage handlebars ITM or Selle San Marco saddle. With

  • Author Peco

    Historians are Cool :)

    Spring, welcome. Come as fast as possible :) and please all those who are looking forward to the first heat when they can ride their double-wheeled stallions. Especially excited are those, who bought or built their bikes in winter. As Miki from Kosice. Miki is a historian and that is the probable cause of his bike being retro. He restored his old Liberta, that laid years in the basement. We received delightful email and here we show it to you for inspiration. Miki, good job! “Greetings. This year winter evenings were really long, so I decided to embark a project to rebuild my old Liberta. It was in terrible condition, as a result of it being in cellar for 15 years (cosmetics

  • Author Peco

    Zakliate slnko v prevodníku

    Ahojte a hneď aj ospravedlnenie. Za tohtoročnú dlhočiznú zimu môžeme my v Pecobikes. Až teraz sme si uvedomili, že slnko je zakliate v prevodníku tohto bicykla. A to slnko čakalo, kým vám ho všetkým predstavíme a tým padom bude môcť začať jar. Už to máme potvrdené aj od Iľka:) Takže Pecobikes garantuje, že dnešným dňom končí zima, už nebude sneh a keby sa tak nestalo, ako náhradu všekým poškodeným Peco kúpi pivo v sobotu v Partizáne po fesTTka jazde BA-TT! Všetky info na FB! Tento projekt prerábky bicykla bola klasika. Použili sme pôvodný rám a


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